Is it time for you to take this journey?
Interested in our Healer Certification Program? Please let us know, because your interest will motivate us to continue offering this training.
In the meantime, this is what's happening with the FWA Healer Certification Program at this time:
FWA has been dormant
We are coming out of dormancy, by beginning with the Shamanic Journeying opportunity (Click here for more information)
We will also be offering some online mini-conferences beginning in March
The content of the HCP is currently available via online means listed below
The Healer Certification Program consists of 4 subjects:
Crystal Healing -- that information and much, much more is available now on
Shamanism -- beginning with the Wednesday evening once a month opportunity, this option will evolve over this coming year, as we find out who wants to get Shamanic Training with Neil
Intuition -- most of this HCP course has been refined, and very, very carefully developed as an online training -- now available as the How to Read Energy course on The part that is not included yet, is Medical Intuition, and that is a one-step, add-on to what has already been included.
Energy Healing and Energy Anatomy: Energy Anatomy, in much detail, with original illustrations, is published in The Complete Guide to Crystal Surgery and is taught in depth in the Crystal Surgery courses. The Energy Healing practical content has not been adapted for online learning yet.
If you let us know what your goal is, we will help you put together the courses and certifications that meet that goal, and when there is enough interest, we will add in the 2 missing elements, namely How to Do Energy Healing with Hands, and How to do a Medical Intuition Reading.
Thank you very, very much for your interest. More info? Please email Vivien Schapera
FourWinds Academy’s Healer Certification Program (HCP)
Now you can attend these courses at your own pace, and become a certified
Healer. Our Healer Certification Program (HCP) is currently being presented in modules, to accommodate regional attendance. Attendees at our weekend courses receive
credits toward their certification. Students who earn the necessary credits in the 5
subjects of Energy Anatomy, Intuition, Shamanism, Energy Healing and Crystal
Healing become eligible to apply for HCP certification. We also offer a “specialty track” option in which students can choose their area of focus and earn credits toward certification in one particular field of interest.
Subjects include Intuition, Energy Healing, Shamanism, and Crystal Healing.
Upon certification, graduates will be able to give professional healing sessions with confidence in their training and their skills.
Special Features of Our Course
Face-to-Face Instruction
Supervised Practice of Skills
Small, Personalized Classes
Panel of Teachers Trained in Multiple Modalities
Tested Curriculum Developed by Experienced Healers
In Energy Healing, as with subjects like Writing and Painting, there is no “right way.” Our course is designed to cultivate the inner healer in you by providing a foundation of knowledge and a vocabulary of technical skills.