Our mission is to help define the role and function of the healer in the twenty-first century.
What we do
Professional healers will be nurtured in the science and art of healing. The academy, including its healers and student healers, will set an impeccable standard of training and accreditation.
Training will draw upon and synergise traditional academia, wisdom, and new frontiers in healing and education. Student education will entail a balanced integration of body, mind, spirit and emotions. The adept healer will understand and apply principles of holism. Specifically, healers will exemplify the principle that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
The FourWinds Academy will be spiritually guided by the principle of oneness: the universe is a seamless whole; healing occurs as we reconnect with this whole, establishing our optimal place in human evolution.
Philosophically, the academy will sustain the principle that optimal human evolution requires the expansion of human consciousness.
Graduates of the academy will be accepted and acknowledged as a new genre of professional healers. These healers will serve the evolution of life on our planet, thus uncovering the positive potential of the human mind, heart and soul.
FourWinds Academy is a 501(c)3 organization eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions. Fundraising ID #31296
FourWinds Academy admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin.
Board of Trustees
- Vivien Schapera, Chair
- Amy Kerr, Director
- Brooke Lieb
- Bud Kostic